[Archives_TFW] ; THE FOLLOWING IS AN EXAMPLE OF ARCHV.INI with EXPLANATIONS ; Comments are always preceeded by a semicolon and ; Except for 'NameComWindow' USE ONLY UPPERCASE LETTERS ; on the right side of the equals side ; PS: you can include comments in the ARCHV.INI file but the ; program loads faster and saves to the INI file faster ; when the file is smallest. Windows rewrites the whole ; INI file whenever a single change is made. ;If you manually change this file, note the max character ;lengths and all directories must end with a backslash ;TEMPORARY CHECKOUT drive:\directory, ARCHIVES CREATES AND ;DELETES THIS DIRECTORY. IT SHOULD NOT ALREADY EXIST: ;I recommend using your RAM drive if you have one and if the RAM ;is large enough to unzip files to. ;MAX 7 characters after the equals sign! END with backslash! TempCheckOutDir=F:\CHK\ ;NORMAL CHECKOUT drive:\directory: ;MAX 30 characters after the equals sign! END with backslash! NormalDecompDir=F:\BARB\ ;CONTROL PROGRAM DIRECTORY, where your normal Window Utilities ; are such as FileMgr.exe, Notepad.exe, Clock.exe ;MAX 30 characters after the equals sign! END with \*.EXE! DirCtrlProg=C:\WINDOWS\*.EXE ;Drive:\Directory\Filename.PIF of the PIF file, normally c:\windows\ARCH.PIF ;MAX 30 characters after the equals sign! END with .PIF! NamePifFile=C:\WINDOWS\ARCHIVES\ARCH.PIF ;Name of DOS Window (Title), this must agree with the name of window in ARCH.PIF NameComWindow=\Archives COM ;Name of DOS Batch file, this must agree with the program name in ARCH.PIF NameBatFile=C:\WINDOWS\ARCHIVES\ARCH.BAT ;USER STARUP MASK FOR THE MASK WINDOW ;MAX 50 characters after the equals sign! UsersSpec=*.ZIP;*.ARC;*.LZH;*.EXE;*.TXT;*.INI ;Dos programs executed by Archives, include the drive:\directory ;for those programs that are not in your path statement; otherwise, ;it is better if these programs are in your path and you do ;not include the drive:\directory. A shorter command line passed ;to DOS means fewer instances of writing temporary files: ;MAX 30 characters after the equals sign! ZIPNAME=PKZIP.EXE UNZIPNAME=PKUNZIP.EXE ;Either LHA.EXE or LHARC.EXE can be used LZHNAME=LHA.EXE ARCNAME=PKPAK.EXE ;Either PKUNPAK.EXE or ARC-E.COM can be used UNARCNAME=PKUNPAK.EXE ;The /NOMEN is a scan switch to not scan memory every time it is run VirusNAME=SCAN.EXE /NOMEM ZIPFIXNAME=PKZIPFIX.EXE ZIP2EXENAME=ZIP2EXE.EXE ;Normally these are windows programs, but if you wish you can write as ; c:\win\arch\arch.pif list.com (or as) arch.pif list.com ;include the drive:\directory if not in your path. ;MAX 30 characters after the equals sign! ; 123456789012345678901234567890 EDITORNAME=C:\WINDOWS\NOTEPAD.EXE ;You can use a DOS PROGRAM in a DOS Window (386 computers) if written like VIEWERNAME=C:\WINDOWS\ARCHIVES\ARCH.PIF LIST.EXE ;You can use a DOS PROGRAM using _DEFAULT.PIF if written like VIEWERNAME=LIST.EXE ;You can use a WINDOWS PROGRAM if written like VIEWERNAME=C:\WINDOWS\BROWSER.EXE ;DOS Window special switches. These are used when you launch a DOS Window ; with a DOS COMMAND processor that requires special switches to run ; thru Windows. eg. to add more environment variables to COMMAND.COM or ; to setup 4DOS.COM for protected mode operation. C:\COMMAND.COM=C:\COMMAND.COM /E:512 C:\4DOS.COM=C:\4DOS.COM /v ;Late addition: For the Print Function, Archives provides a suggested ;number of characters for the left margin based on the maximum number ;of characters in the longest line of text file that is opened to the ;Viewer Window. This number is based on the total characters your ;printer prints per line. If your printer prints more or less than ;80 characters per line, then change the number below to the proper value. CharWidthPrn=80 ;THE FOLLOWING SHOULD BE SET BY PROGRAM ONLY, else system may CRASH: StartUp=63,125,875,750,CSABB TFW=